Train to React Faster, Strike Harder

Improve reflexes with unpredictable light triggers.

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Combat sports require lightning-fast reflexes, powerful movements, and endurance under pressure. Traditional training methods often fail to replicate real fight scenarios.

Para ganar, tu cerebro y tu cuerpo deben estar sincronizados al máximo. Las señales de luz y sonido aleatorias reproducen un escenario de lucha real y agudizan el tiempo de reacción ojo-mano y ojo-pierna, la coordinación y la precisión de los golpes.

boxing reflex lights

Prepárese para acelerar la capacidad de su cerebro para percibir, procesar y reaccionar ante los golpes de los oponentes. El entrenamiento basado en ROX te permite competir contigo mismo como nunca antes. Sigue ejercicios preprogramados o crea tus propias sesiones.

boxing trainer lights

¿Adivina de dónde viene el nombre ROX? Puedes darles patadas y golpearlos hasta romperte, porqué los ROX no lo harán. Estarán contigo todo el camino.


How it works?

Combat reaction lights


Elige o crea un ejercicio con solo unos clics a través de la aplicación.

boxing training lights


Ponte a prueba con señales externas aleatorias en forma de luz, sonido y vibración.

smartphone app to training with fit light training system


Sigue y analiza tus progresos y obtén datos objetivos y en tiempo real sobre tu rendimiento.

Recommended for Combat Sports

Train like a champion with A-Champs

 Reza M

Co-founder of @neuralmovement

"We have used the ROXProX with a number of our world champion fighters and top contenders in boxing and the UFC. We are able to get real time data to show our fighters their reaction time on each individual punch in real time. One of the best features is that we can train with zero impact. The fighters don't have to come in contact with the lights. This allows them to throw their punches as fast as they want without risk of injury or worrying about damaging the equipment."

Kevin Lopez

MMA S&C trainer @kevynlopez93

"The RoxSystem is extremely helpful in combat sports, since you have to be engaged through feedback, either visual or auditory, at all times. The complexity and randomness of the RoxSystem makes this unique for combat sports, because it is a Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. "

Jonathan Ros

2x Personal Trainer of the year (ACE, IDEA) and owner of FUNTENSITY

“With ROX I can merge brain training with fitness training in a way that is fun and playful. My clients love it because it makes intensity fun which makes them work harder without forcing themselves to. I know they are getting a better workout now and enhancing resilience for the future."